Leading from behind

What does a leader look like? I have asked myself that question many times, as people around me started referring to me as a leader, but I never felt like one. Why didn’t I feel like a leader? Well, in my view, a typical leader was someone who is bold (usually an extrovert), has confidence in what they do, knows the word of God extremely well, can preach, teach and evangelise, can get others to follow what they are leading, and can get other people to lead. I am not that person! Do all leaders really look like this? Of course they don’t! I knew that, but I still found myself in a constant battle as to how I could be a leader when I didn’t fit into this wrong image I had of leadership. It seemed that every time I tried to be that type of leader, I failed.
Do all leaders really look like this? Of course they don’t! I knew that, but I still found myself in a constant battle as to how I could be a leader when I didn’t fit into this wrong image I had of leadership. So, who am I? I am empty handed. I am an introvert. I love to plan and strategise and organise. I love pretty surroundings and things. I love to bake cakes. I love people – especially people in my community who are not necessarily “unreached” but have a religious view about God due to their upbringing and not a relationship with Jesus. I love to be behind the scenes. God is this enough? God, how do you see me? Me: I am empty handed... God: You give out of nothing, I love that about you. Lead others to do the same! Me: I am an introvert... God: Perfect – you have the ability to observe and find my broken children, those who are so easily overlooked because of the masks they wear; those who hide in the crowds. Lead others to become quiet and hear my Voice! Me: I love to plan, strategize and organize... God: I am a God of order, I created the universe with planning, organising and strategising. Lead others to turn the chaos in their lives to order through me. Me: I love pretty surroundings and things... God: The world has been made ugly by sin and creativity has been stolen by evil. Bring back the beauty around you through the creativity I give you!
Lead and mobilise others to explore and expose their talents and bring my creativity back into this world! Me: I love to bake cakes... God: I have given you this talent – give cakes to people with words of encouragement I place on your heart – this will open doors to people who have shut me out in the past. Lead and teach others to do the same. Let them use their talents to bless others! Me: I love people in my community and do not feel called to the “wide world out there”... God: This is where I have placed you, my child. This is where I want you to make a difference. Lead my lost sheep back to my son Jesus Me: I love to be behind the scenes... God: I want you to start “Leading from Behind” and encourage others, like you, to do the same and not step back or step down! And so I realised, yes, I am a leader. I am the leader God made me to be. His leadership suits me. I can lead with passion and purpose.