Oversized Schoes

I have just come back from a beautiful church wedding and am trying to get back to the parking space in my green, smart, but unfortunately, oversized shoes.
I must look quite funny trying not to lose my high heels by spreading and bending my toes, so I’m just taking them off. I’d rather casually walk to the car barefoot than put my health on the line.
At the moment, as a leader, I also feel I am wearing shoes too large and wide trying, by spreading my toes to fill out the shoes, not to fall over. It’s obvious that I can’t go on forever this way, and walking in oversized shoes simply isn’t fun. In order to put an end to my struggle, I’m taking time to pray.
So, in my thoughts I’m taking off the oversized leadership shoes, putting them beside me and dropping to my knees. Just as I’m deeply in prayer, an atmosphere of joy comes over me. In my spirit I stretch out my hand and touch the feet of Jesus. As I’m contemplating his feet, I notice how strong and wide they are. Fitting for my shoes! Jesus in me and I in Him. His feet are becoming my feet.
Jesus in me and I in Him. His feet are becoming my feet.
After the prayer, I get up again, take my leadership shoes and take the next step, knowing that HE fills out the shoes and that I can go everywhere with Him.
Next weekend I have been invited to yet another party, and as I don’t have any other shoes, I’m going to wear my smart green shoes again, tensing my toes. However, I’m going to remember the feet of Jesus and joyfully take a wobbly step...but I’m going to take it!